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Escort service has gained wide popularity these days, and.Herkesin onayyla, herkesin kabul ettii zere, herkesin rzas ile Kyasla Sra ile Nezaketen Sayesinde, ltf ile, msaadesi ile Gndz, gndzn Hem gece hem gndz Gndz, gndzn Yava yava, gittike, tedricen, derece derece Bile bile, kasten Emriyle Gcyle; araclyla; kuvvetiyle ala ala Bunu yapmak suretiyle Ksm ksm Derece derece Yanllkla Hilesiz, dorulukla, drst ekilde Hangi arala olursa olsun; ne pahasna olursa olsun; nasl olursa olsun ok daha fazla; byk bir farkla, fersah fersah; ok, bir hayli in araclyla, vastasyla, eliyle Ara sra, nbet nbet, kesilerek Zorla, cebren Gerei olarak, icab olarak; etkisiyle. Dzenli Dzensiz Dzlkte. Zahmetine demez. Hi kanmadan Hi kendini bozmadan Hi kimse. In the long term In the lump In the main In the making In the manner that In the mass In the matter of In the meantime In the middle of In the middle of it all In the midst of In the midst of all this In the midst of them In the minds eye In the money In the mood for. In pursuance of In dispute In contemplation of The odds are that Something like Within my province In need of At a push On a pinch, in a pinch In reserve From necessity In conflict with What time Between the hammer and the anvil In under two months Every other day, every second days The day after the next As much again In the second place In between Betwixt and between By twos As well To boot In line with Abreast of Concurrently with Related to Side by side with In conjunction with On a level with Together with ; hand in hand with Inconsistently with On an equal with Relating to, with respect to Face to face with For ever and a day, ever more, for ever, for ever and ever. It fell to my lot. Hazr imdi, halihazrda, imdiki halde, imdiki durumda Hkmet hesabna Skunette; sulh ve asayi iinde Rastgele, geliigzel; son hzla; tesadfen Ara sra Hareketsiz; rahatta; lm Biraz Dikey vaziyette Ksa sreyle, ksa zamanda Grnrde; grldnde, ibrazmda, grlr grlmez ntizamsz, karmakark nin zararna Hzla giderek Durgun; ilemez yle bir vakitte Dmanlk iinde Sofra banda Olduu gibi, haliyle; hatta, bile; artk, bu durumda; ayn zamanda Tam o zaman O hesapla, o halde, bu gidile Yanda, yalarnda Dnyann teki ucunda Balangta En uygun durumda bile. From the feel of it With the object of Within the pale In legal parlance In this respect In respect of, in relation to, in respect to, in the matter of With clear conscience In the face of On the offensive In the eye s of Under the heel of At public cost In the last day The sum and the substance of it, in brief At liberty. Hi bir nedenle Hi bir snrlama olmakszn Hi bir suretle Hi bir ekilde. Bundan byle Bundan ok sene evvel Bundan da anlald gibi Bundan evvel Bundan kolay bir ey yok! Btn dnd {nem verdii bu. Sa salim Benden de al o kadar! Up against In common with In the time to come, in the future, in days to come, in advance Sometime or other Backwards and forwards, back and forth From hand to mouth Ahead of On the ground that On the way; in progress In one's extreme old age In contact with In keeping with In line with In agreement with In line with Abreast of In terms of Beside the mark At the first shot At first blush, at first sight In embryo At first hand At first sight At the first shot In the first glow of enthusiasm In the first flush of passion To start with As a beginning As a beginning First of all In the first place, to begin with, at first, first of all By return post, By return mail At first hand Alpha and omega, first and last Once for all By my fay In nature. The days are closing in. Hi bir ey Hi bir ey anlayamyorum! Gereinde Gereinden ok Gereinden fazla Gerek Gnler ksalyor. With the intent of With the intention of With the lapse of time With the object of With the purpose of With the result that With the stream With the style of With the sun With the unaided eye With the utmost composure With the view of With this With this design With this object in my mind With your favour Word for word Words fail me. Doru deil, bu kadar fazla! My hair stood on end. By air By a stretch of imagination In the minds eye Without shame For the life In a vital way Man and boy All through my life, through all my life. This day month This day week This is between you, me and the gate-post This is it This many a day This moment This much is certain This much that This once This very moment This will never do This wont get you anywhere. It's a home from home. Bugün okuduğum körlük kitabında şöyle anlatıyordu: kadın bedenini satıyor hem para kazanıyor hem de zevk alıyor. Gerek u ki Beni dinlerseniz Beni ilgilendirmez! Glnecek ey deil! Rica ederim! With this In the act of Yet already; at present In process of In easy circumstances, on easy street, in comparative comfort At that in the public eye In the public eye On public grounds In the public interest By fair means or foul For my sins On the move, in motion, under way On the wing At rest On the go To the letter In alphabetical order Out of Beyond the pale To the exclusion of From hand to mouth In consequence of About the gills Fa r f rom it Cheek by jowl In fault At fault. Well nigh Well on in life Well past Well to be sure Well, as t was saying Well-known West of Wet to the skin What about Olduu gibi, btn ayrntlaryla; gzel olmayan taraflarn saklamadan ok yukarda ok nde ok arkada ok aada k. O iini bilir. Aklma bir fikir geldi Kulaklar nlasn Çok para kazanır, çok popüler olurlar. Bu ie alk deilim!