Son yıllardaki teknolojik gelişmelerle birlikte bilgisayar, cep telefonu, tabletler doğru ve etkin kullanıldıkça, sağladıkları avantajlarla artık Tveetr heybeli ada eskort vazgeçilmezleri haline geldiler. Bu cihazlar sadece evlerimizde değil, eğitim aracı olarak okullarda da yaygınlaştı. Ceramic artist Adil Can Güven revives Anatolian ceramic tradition in İznik, a city that looks like an open air museum thanks to its historical treasures. Güven talks about his work and the city of İznik. İşte karlı dağlardan orman içi göllere, tarihi ada sokaklarından görkemli camilere dek, sizi objektiflerinizle birlikte yola davet edecek öneriler. Thanks to latest developments in technology we can frequently and affectively make use of the advantages of our computers, cell phones and tablets which became essential parts of our lives not only in our homes but also at schools as tools of education. The beauties of Anatolia look very good in photographs. In the following pages you will find a number of suggestions from snow covered mountains to forest lakes, magnificent mosques and historical streets of the Prince Islands to tempt you to take the road with your camera. Kocaeli doğa yürüyüşlerini ve denizi seven, tarih ile iç içe bir hafta sonu hedefleyen, İstanbul ve çevre yörelerin telaş ve kalabalığından bir süreliğine uzaklaşmak isteyen herkese kucak açıyor. Kocaeli welcomes everybody who wants to get away from the hustle and bustle of İstanbul and its surroundings and spend a peaceful weekend of nature walks, sea and history. Ülkemizin hemen hemen her yöresinde yetişen ıspanakgillerden pazı, yöreye göre yabani ıspanak, yabani pancar veya mancar diye bilinir. A member of the chenopods family, chard is a ubiquitous plant that grows all around the country and known as spinach beet, silverbeet or mangold depending on the region. SERVICES Online ticketing, online check-in, promotional fares, special medical services, pregnant passengers, baggage information, flight schedule, online magazine, games Enerji tasarrufu sağlayan EU Ecolabel kağıtları, sürdürülebilir ormanlardan elde edilir; çevre ve hava kirliliğini önler. Inner pages made of paper awarded the EU Ecolabel reg. Produced by using raw material from well-managed forests, recyclable EU Ecolabel paper products with decreased air and environmental pollution. Online bilet satışı, online check-in, promosyonel ücretler, özel sağlık Tveetr heybeli ada eskort, hamile yolcular, bagaj bilgisi, uçuş tarifeleri, online dergi, oyunlar This historical district of Şanlıurfa has been partly submerged in water Tveetr heybeli ada eskort many secrets to discover in its depths. Akatlar Mahallesi, Ebulula Mardin Cad. You may reach AnadoluJet magazine online by clicking on the AnadoluJet icon in www. Any suggestions or complaints about AnadoluJet magazine are welcomed and should be addressed to musteri anadolujet. Dergimizde yayımlanan yazı ve fotoğraflardan yayıncının izni alınmadan, kaynak belirtilmeden tam veya özet alıntı yapılamaz. Neither text nor photographs from this publication may be reproduced either in full or summary without acknowleding the source and without prior permission from the publisher. AnadoluJet, THY tarafından ayda bir yayımlanır. AnadoluJet is published monthly by Turkish Airlines. Ayrıntılı bilgi için www. Bu bayramda da pek çok yolcumuzu AnadoluJet olarak, sevdiklerine, ailelerine ve memleketlerine ulaştırmanın mutluluğunu yaşadık. We have left behind Eid-al Adha Festival of Sacrificeone of the best times to enjoy sharing with our community. As Anadolujet family we feel the joy of having carried you to Tveetr heybeli ada eskort families and homelands during the festival. We would like to thank all our passengers who preferred to fly with Anadolujet for their great interest. This year on November 10 we will be commemorating the 75th anniversary of passing away to eternity of the founder of our Republic, our Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. AnadoluJet, ekim ayı itibariyle Şırnak — Ankara hattında karşılıklı uçuşları başlatmış bulunuyor. Adıyaman ve Kahramanmaraş uçuşlarımızın tekrar başladığını duyurmaktan da büyük bir mutluluk duyuyoruz. Anadolujet began Şırnak — Ankara return flights as of october. We are also very happy to announce that we began our Adıyaman and Kahramanmaraş flights again after a short pause. Ankara Holiday Inn Oteli ile yaptığımız anlaşma ile, AnadoluJet yolcuları artık ekonomik konaklamanın keyfini çıkartacak. Anadolujet starts a budget friendly accommodation discount campaign for our Ankara passengers. Thanks to our agreement with Ankara Holiday Inn Hotel Anadolujet customers can now enjoy budget accommodation. Within the framework with our agreement with Secure Drive, the new fee for Kayseri Airport transfer to or from the city center is set as 5 TL. Uluslararası Ankara Tiyatro Festivali, başkentli tiyatroseverler için International Ankara Theater Festival prepares to take the stage for the 18th time for theater lovers of the capital city. Modern insanın metropol hayatındaki açmazlarını anlatan serginin odak noktasında metropoldeki yapıları oluşturan ana materyallerden olan beton yer alıyor. Tackling the dilemmas of modern people in urban life, the exhibition focuses on concrete as the main material used in urban structures. Organized by Antalya Metropolitan Municipality under the art direction of Fazıl Say, the International Antalya Piano Festival will be bringing together music lovers for the 14th time between November 8 and
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