Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Shop this series. Rate this book. The Blackcoat Rebellion 2 Vezir. Aimee Carter. For the past two months, Kitty Doe's life has been a lie. Forced to impersonate the Prime Minister's niece, her frustration grows as her trust in her fake fiancé cracks, her real boyfriend is forbidden and the Blackcoats keep her in the dark more than ever. But in the midst of discovering that her role in the Hart family may not be as coincidental as she thought, she's accused of treason and is forced to face her greatest fear: Elsewhere. A prison where no one can escape. As one shocking revelation leads to the next, Kitty learns the hard way that she can trust no one, not even the people she thought were on her side. With her back against the wall, Kitty wants to believe she'll do whatever it takes to support the rebellion she Fast And Furious 5 Sex in—but is she prepared to pay the ultimate price? Hardcover First published November 25, Loading interface About the author. Aimee Carter 44 books 4, followers. Aimée Carter is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the author of over a dozen books, including The Goddess Test series, the Blackcoat Rebellion series, and the Simon Thorn series for middle grade readers, now a 1 international bestselling series under the title Animox. McElderry Books. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. Ai Haibara. Knox and Kitty. This series would seriously be fantastic if not for two things: 1. Benjy and Kitty's relationship. It's so unbelievably bland. I mean, I'm told about how great a love they have and blah, blah, blah but that's all. I'm just told about it but I've never been given reason as to why their love story is even worth telling. So the grew up together, that's not really interesting. Also, it's so awkward. And they're both so hung up on sex at random moments, like chill, we kinda have other things we should be worrying about other than the two of you Fast And Furious 5 Sex to do it. Kitty's goddamn repetitiveness. Not once in this entire novel did she do as she promised she would. And every single time she screwed Knox over. Sure, she's allowed to make mistakes and act selfishly every now and then but literally did it the entire novel.
Search review text. I came to Pawn for the Masking, and stayed for Elsewhere. This review was originally posted on It Starts at Midnight. Yine de bir deneyeyim: Bazı olaylar tıpkı ilk kitapta olduğu gibi burada da inandırıcıktan epey bir uzak kalmış. Is Anybody Out There. Beautiful Goodbye.
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